Clover pos system- definition and pros & cons


Merchant payment processors accept a wide range of credit and debit cards both online and in person. These credit card readers have an EMV chip or a swipe option and are connected to wi-fi or Ethernet. These use pos (point of sale) in person or a payment gateway for online transactions. Depending on your business needs you should select credit card merchant service providers to facilitate smooth payments.

                                                                         clover pos system

5 best merchant services for small businesses are listed below:

1.   Square: It is the most popular one in the market owning to its transparent fees structure and user-friendliness. However, it is only suitable for small business and is absolutely unsuitable for high-risk businesses owing to its stability issues.

2.       Payment Depot: It is usable at minimal application fees with no contract and zero money deduction on cancellation. It also has a fully operational 24*7 efficient customer support.

3.    PayPal: It accepts international payments and is the best one to use for occasional sales. No monthly fee is required to use.

4.    Payment Cloud: Although the fee is higher but it is well known for managing high-risk payment and brilliant customer support.

5.      Helcim: Best merchant service for online sales with no contracts or exorbitant fees.

Clover pos:

Definition: It is an integrated point of sale choice with customized hardware. It is popular among various retailers owing to both online and server-based version's availability. is a trustworthy credit card processing company that empowers your company to do business in any part of the world with secured payment options and clover pos system


·     It is very user-friendly with easy navigation

·    The system has an in-built extensive app-store.  


·    Poor customer support: Owing to its wide use by various merchants the system tends to get slow. Also, there is poor response from the customer support team during issue resolving.

·     The apps are expensive to use


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