Verifonepos- The new age integrated pos


There are various credit card machine providers in the US market. However, choosing the right one according to your business needs is important.


There are few key features which need to be kept in mind before opting for a credit card machine:

1.       User-friendly- The procedure to operate a machine should be simple and easy so that you do make your customers wait in the queue for a long time.

2.       There should be no contracts or hidden fees:Merchant account agreement and contract signing for applications, hardware leasing and compliance should not be compulsory.

3.       Connects to all POS: The credit card machine should operate smoothly irrespective of any point of sale or pos, making quick and hassle-free business transactions.

4.       EMV and NFC friendly: Opt for a credit card machine which has all three modes of payment: Dip NFC or touch with EMV chip or simply swipe; such types of machines can read all major bank cards easily.

5.       Portability and connectivity: A dynamic business in today’s world requires communication and extensive portability. Hence, the credit card machine should also be portable and connected to the Wi-fi or Ethernet even when it’s moving to collect payments irrespective of your customer’s location.

6.       Prints receipts: Credit card machines should have in-built printers to print receipts instantaneously, to avoid the hassle to be connected with an external printer.

Verifonepos- The new age integrated pos

It a universal, highly modern, integrated pos system that is easy to use and offers great flexibility enhancing the overall customer experience. Almost all credit card machines connect to verifonepos offering easy business solutions and faster payments.


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